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Paid Booking For Easy Booked

This documentation provides a step-by-step guide on setting up and managing paid bookings using the Easy Booked Plugin in combination with WooCommerce.

1. Requirements #

  • WordPress installed on your site.
  • Easy Booked Plugin installed and activated.
  • WooCommerce Plugin installed and activated.

2. Setting Up Paid Bookings #

2.1 Installing WooCommerce #

  1. Go to the WordPress Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Plugins > Add New.
  3. Search for WooCommerce, install, and activate it.

2.2 Configuring Easy Booked for Paid Bookings #

  1. Navigate to WordPress Dashboard > Easy Booked > Calendar Manage.
  2. Click on Edit next to your desired calendar.
  3. Under the General tab, select the Appointment type as “Paid”.
  4. Click Save Changes.

Once saved, options for selecting WooCommerce products will appear.

3. Editing Time Slots #

3.1 Accessing Time Slots #

  1. In the same calendar management area, you will find the option to manage time slots.

3.2 Adding and Editing Time Slots #

  • Here, you can add new time slots or modify existing ones to correspond with your services.

4. Creating WooCommerce Products for Easy Booked #

4.1 Adding a New Product #

  1. Go to WordPress Dashboard > Products > Add New.
  2. Fill out the product details such as name, description, and price.

4.2 Important Product Settings #

  • Ensure that you check the “Easy Booked” checkbox when creating the product; otherwise, it won’t sync with the Easy Booked Plugin.

5. Conclusion #

Following these steps will enable you to effectively set up paid bookings through the Easy Booked Plugin and WooCommerce on your WordPress site.

6. Images #

Image 1: Calendar Management Page

Easy Booked Paid Booking Feature

Image 2: Editing Time Slots

Easy Booked Paid Booking

Image 3: WooCommerce Product Creation

Easy Booked Plugin Paid Booking Feature

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